Hansard is the official report of the debates of the parliament and is published here after 4pm on the day following the sitting:


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Hansard is not a verbatim transcript of what occurs in the chambers but a faithful record of debate. It is generally corrected for redundancies, errors of fact, grammar, false starts and slips of the tongue, and it can incorporate submitted materials that are not read aloud.

Hansard is also the name of the division that publishes Hansard. Upon request, Hansard provides transcripts of hearings to parliamentary committees, who determine their publication.

Transcripts of Committees are treated as evidence and can be found via Search Parliament or under the specific Committee Details.

Search Information

Search provides Daily Hansard in two forms:

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Indices can help find Hansard with specific members and subjects (including bills) before October 2007:


Dynamic indices provide direct links to subjects in Daily Hansards that relate to the subject or a specific member.


Email: hansard@parliament.sa.gov.au

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Acknowledgement of Country

The Parliament of South Australia acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the traditional owners of this country throughout Australia, and their connection to land and community. We pay our respect to them and their cultures and to the Elders both past and present.